Nature and man

The territory of the Chuvash Republic covers an area of 18.3 thousand square meters. The seasons in the republic are clearly expressed. Their changes are presented in the dioramas «Coniferous forests of the Volga region», «Mixed forest», «Upland oak forest», «Low swamp». In each of the biotopes characteristic animals and plants are represented: bear, wolf, wild boar, elk and others.

The central place is occupied by the diorama with the Red Book. Here is a map of specially protected natural areas of Chuvashia. There are 2 protected areas of federal significance in the republic: the Prisursky State Nature Reserve and the Chavash Varmane National Park. Here are the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic, as well as endangered species of animals and plants: lynx, white-tailed eagle, snowy owl, lady’s slipper, common juniper, European bathing suit.

The exposition also presents material about Bronislav Ilyich Guzovsky. He was a forester of the Ilyinsky forestry, a candidate of forestry. For 24 years he worked in the Ilyinsky forestry and was engaged in intensive reforestation of oak forests. The oldest Chuvash oak grows in the Ilyinsky forestry. Its age is 475 years, the height before being damaged by lightning reached 26 m, diameter 180 cm, circumference 565 cm, volume about 34 sq. m..

In addition, steppe, near-water and swamp ecosystems are represented.


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